Logotip DCpowercorda

Glavni sigurnosni standardi i sigurnosne oznake

Međunarodna elektrotehnička komisija (IEC) i pridružene Međunarodne organizacije za standardizaciju (ISO) su glavne agencije odgovorne za standarde električne sigurnosti. Agencije kao što su Underwriters Laboratories (the) i Kanadsko udruženje za standarde (CSA) dati certifikat u Sjevernoj Americi. U isto vrijeme, slična tijela u Europi su Udruženje za elektrotehniku (VDE), Udruga za tehnički pregled (TUV), i British Standards Institution (BSI). Proizvod koji zadovoljava IEC standard kao što je IEC 60950 ili novijeg 62368-1 standard se može identificirati s brojem standarda s prefiksom UL, CSA, ili EN (Europska norma) da naznači zemlju u kojoj je certificiran, npr., the 60950 ili EN 62368-1. Standardi poput ovih s istim brojevima, ali različitim prefiksima ponekad se nazivaju "harmonizirani standardi". Ali dok IEC nastavlja težiti usklađivanju, regionalne razlike ostaju, i posljedično tome, proizvodi namijenjeni za više tržišta morat će pokazati sve potrebne certifikate.

Power Cord Safety Marks

Posebne informacije o sigurnosnim oznakama kabela za napajanje

Sigurnosne oznake
Slika Vrsta utikača Odobrenja Opis
Americas Amerike the (Underwriters Laboratories) ul NE 1-15
NE 5-15 ili L5-15
NE 5-20 ili L5-20
NE 5-30 ili L5-30
NE 6-15 ili L6-15
NE 6-20 ili L6-20
NE 6-30 ili L6-30
NE 5-50
NE 6-50
NE 14-30 ili L14-30
NE 14-50
NE 15-30 ili L15-30
NE 15-50
NEMA L14-20
NEMA L15-20
NEMA L21-20
NEMA L22-20
NEMA L23-20
NEMA L18-30
NEMA L19-30
NEMA L20-30
NEMA L21-30
NEMA L22-30
NEMA L23-30
Americas Kanada CSA (Kanadsko udruženje za standarde) csa CSA (Kanadsko udruženje za standarde)
Australia Australija: SAA oznaka SAA
AS3112 2,5A
AS3112 10AAS3112 15A
India Indija: STQC BIS IS6A3 6A
IS16A3 16A
Russia Rusija: GOST EAC GOST 7396 2.5A
GOST 7396 16A
Brazil Brazil: Inmetro NBR NBR6147 2,5 A
NBR14136 10A
NBR14136 16A
Israel Izrael: SII SI CEE7/16 2.5A
CEE7/7 16A
South Africa Južna Afrika SABS SABS BEZ 164-3 6A
BEZ 164-1 16A
South Africa Saudijska Arabija SASO SASO SABS 164-1, BS546
China Kina: CCC CCC GB1002 2,5 A
GB2099 10A
GB2099 16A
Italy Italija: IMQ IMQ CEI23-16 10A
CEI23-16 16A
Switzerland Švicarska: VAS - Federalni inspektorat za instalacije teške struje, (ranije SEV) SEV SEV1011 10A
SEV1011 16A
Japan Japan: JET PSE JIS8303 1-15 7A
JIS8303 5-15 15A
JIS8303 L5-20
JIS8303 L5-30
JIS8303 L6-20
JIS8303 L6-30
Europe Europa: OVAJ CE CEE7/16 2.5A
CEE7/7 16A
Germany Njemačka: VDE VDE CEE7/4 16A
France Francuska: LCIE FN CEE7/6 16A
Germany Norveška NEMKO NEMKO Europa CEE7/7,CEE7/17,CEE1/7 Schuko
Germany 1 Finska FIMKO FIMKO Europa CEE7/7,CEE7/17,CEE1/7 Schuko
Israel Belgija CEBEC CEBEC Europa CEE7/7,CEE7/17,CEE1/7 Schuko
UK Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo OSTATI BS BS1363 13A
Argentina Argentina: IRAM S Mark IRAM2063 2.5A
IRAM2073 10A
IRAM2073 16A
Japan Tajvan BSMI bsmi CNS10917 1-15 7A
CNS10917 5-15 7A
UK Singapur PSB PROLJEĆE psb BS1363(A) UK
Korea Koreja: KTL KC KSC8305 2.5A
KSC8305 10A
KSC8305 16A

Sjedinjene Američke Države UL sigurnosne oznake

Organizacija: Uvršten na UL & UL priznat

UL Listed & UL Recognized

UL oznaka označava da su ili Underwriters Laboratories ili ekvivalentni nacionalno priznati laboratorij za ispitivanje (NRTL) je testirao i utvrdio da proizvod ispunjava UL zahtjeve sigurnosti proizvoda. Ovaj certifikat omogućuje proizvođaču da pokaže da je njihov proizvod “Uvršten na UL” koristeći poznati UL logo. Osim certificiranja proizvoda za njihove sigurnosne specifikacije, UL također nudi proces procjene za pružanje certifikacije mnogim regionalnim shemama sigurnosnih oznaka diljem svijeta, uključujući one sažete u nastavku.

Također imajte na umu da Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) je neovisno ispitivanje sigurnosti proizvoda, certificiranje, i inspekcijske organizacije akreditirane od strane Vijeća za standarde Kanade. Koristi gore navedene UL logotipe popraćene slovom “C.”

NEMA Power Cords

RoHS 45VDE certificate logo

new products 1 结果

ime proizvoda

16 AWG NEMA 5-15P to NEMA 5-15R Power extension Cord

ime proizvoda

new products 4 结果

ime proizvoda

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip A

USA Polarized NEMA 1-15P 2 Pin 10 Amp

USA Polarized NEMA 1-15P 2 Pin - 10 Pojačalo

SAD polarizirana NEMA 1-15 standard 2 Pin 10 pojačalo neuzemljeno je standard 2 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Polarizirana ima jednu oštricu sa prirubnicom šire. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s NEMA i IEC standardima. UL i CSA odobrenja i certifikati dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip A

USA Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 2 Pin 10 Amp

SAD nepolarizirani NEMA 1-15 2 Pin - 10 Pojačalo

SAD nepolarizirani NEMA 1-15 standard 2 igle 10 pojačalo neuzemljeno je standard 2 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s NEMA i IEC standardima. UL i CSA odobrenja i certifikati dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip B

USA Grounded NEMA 5-15 3 Pin 15 Amp

USA Grounded NEMA 5-15 3 Pin - 15 Pojačalo

SAD prizemljen NEMA 5-15 standard 3 pribadač 15 amp je standard 3 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s NEMA i IEC standardima. UL i CSA odobrenja i certifikati dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Regionalne sigurnosne oznake

Zapravo, također možemo koristiti kartu svijeta za intuitivnije prepoznavanje sigurnosnih znakova kabela za napajanje svake zemlje, kao što su Amerike, Europa & Azija.

Karte u sljedećem odjeljku ističu neke od značajnijih shema sigurnosnog označavanja, ali nisu sveobuhvatne. sve su one s ravnom oštricom, u Europi, postoje i drugi znakovi primjenjivi u nordijskim zemljama i drugim zemljama srednje i istočne Europe kao što je Danska, Švicarska, Mađarska, Ukrajina, i Bjelorusija. Zemlje uključujući Hong Kong i Indiju koriste svoje sigurnosne oznake u Aziji.

Americas Map and Safety Marks
CSA Organization & UL Canada Listed

CSA sigurnosne oznake – Kanada

Organizacija: CSA & cUL Naveden

Kanadska udruga za standarde provodi CSA shemu označavanja uz UL certifikat kako bi identificirala proizvode prihvatljive u bilo kojoj Kanadi (C sufiks slovo) i SAD (američki sufiks).

CUL navedeni kabeli za napajanje

Canada Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 2 Pin - 10 Pojačalo

The Canada Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 standard 2 pribadač 10 pojačalo neuzemljeno je standard 2 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s NEMA i IEC standardima. cUL and CSA approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip A

Canada Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 2 Pin 10 Amp

Canada Grounded NEMA 5-15 3 Pin - 15 Pojačalo

Canada Grounded NEMA 5-15 standard 3 pribadač 15 amp je standard 3 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s NEMA i IEC standardima. cUL and CSA approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip B

Canada Grounded NEMA 5-15 3 Pin 15 Amp
nom ance

NOM sigurnosne oznake – Meksiko

Organizacija: IME-ANCE

Oznaka NOM označava usklađenost s meksičkim "Normas Oficiales Mexicanas" (IME) sigurnosni standardi za kućanske električne aparate, TO, OD, i sličnu opremu. ANCE is an independent body authorized to grant NOM approval in electric and gas products.

NE 5-15 Kablovi za napajanje

Mexico Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 2 Pin - 10 Pojačalo

The Mexico Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 standard 2 pribadač 10 pojačalo neuzemljeno je standard 2 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Cords are manufactured in compliance with NEMA and IEC standards.NOM-ANCE approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip A

Mexico Non-Polarized NEMA 1-15 2 Pin 10 Amp

Mexico Grounded NEMA 5-15 3 Pin - 15 Pojačalo

Mexico Grounded NEMA 5-15 standard 3 pribadač 15 amp je standard 3 žičana zidna posuda pronađena u Sjedinjenim Državama. Cords are manufactured in compliance with NEMA and IEC standards. NOM-ANCE approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip B

Mexico Grounded NEMA 5-15 3 Pin 15 Amp

INMETRO Safety Marks – Brazil

Organizacija: INMETRO & CSA

Certification of certain product groups, such as medical electrical equipment, ballasts, and equipment used in hazardous locations, is mandatory in Brazil, with accreditation indicated by the INMETRO Mark. The INMETRO Mark may also be used voluntarily to indicate safety standards compliance for products that are not mandated, npr., TO, audio/visual equipment, and home appliances.

Brazil Power Cords

Brazil NBR 6147 2 zubac - 10 Pojačalo

The Brazil NBR 6147 standard 2 zubac 10 amp non-grounded standard is new. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Brazilian NBR 6147 standardima. Odobrenja i certifikati agencija INMETRO i CSA dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi utikača: Tip C

Brazil NBR 6147 2 Prong 10 Amp

Brazil NBR 14136 3 zubac - 10 Pojačalo

The Brazil NBR 14136 standard 3 zubac 10 amp standard is new. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Brazilian NBR 14136 standardima. Odobrenja i certifikati agencija INMETRO i CSA dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi utikača: Type N

Brazil NBR 14136 3 Prong 10 Amp

Brazil NBR 14136 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Brazil NBR 14136 standard 3 zubac 16 amp standard is new. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Brazilian NBR 14136 standardima. Odobrenja i certifikati agencija INMETRO i CSA dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi utikača: Type N

Brazil NBR 14136 3 Prong 16 Amp
IRAM Organization & UL Argentina Listed

IRAM S Safety Mark – Argentina

Organizacija: IRAM S Mark or UL Argentina

Product certification to IEC-based standards is mandatory in Argentina under the auspices of its standards body IRAM with conformance indicated by the S Mark.

Argentina Power Cords

Argentina IRAM 2063 - 2.5 Pojačalo

The Argentina IRAM 2063 standard is physically the same as Australia AS 3112 but the line blades are not insulated. Electrical cords are manufactured in compliance with IRAM standards. UL Argentina agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip I

Argentina IRAM 2063 2.5 Amp

Argentina IRAM 2073 - 10 Pojačalo

The Argentina IRAM 2073 standard 10 amp is physically the same as the China GB2099. Electrical cords are manufactured in compliance with IRAM standards. UL Argentina agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip I

Argentina IRAM 2073 10 Amp

CE oznake sigurnosti

Što je CE oznaka? CE oznaka je europska oznaka sukladnosti koja označava da je proizvod u skladu s bitnim zahtjevima primjenjivih europskih zakona ili direktiva za sigurnost, zdravlje, okoliš, i zaštitu potrošača. Općenito, ova usklađenost s primjenjivim direktivama ostvaruje se putem vlastite deklaracije. Oznaka CE potrebna je na proizvodima u Europskom gospodarskom prostoru (EEA) zemalja kako bi se olakšala trgovina između zemalja članica. Proizvođač ili ovlašteni predstavnik sa sjedištem u EEA odgovoran je za stavljanje CE oznake na svoj proizvod. The CE marking provides a means for a manufacturer to demonstrate that his product complies with a standard set of laws required by all of the countries in the EEA to allow free movement of trade within the EEA countries.

Europe Map and Safety Marks

Za razliku od UL sigurnosne oznake, CE sigurnosna oznaka:

  • To nije oznaka sigurnosne potvrde.
  • Općenito se temelji na samoizjavi, a ne na certifikaciji treće strane.
  • Ne pokazuje usklađenost sa sjevernoameričkim sigurnosnim standardima ili kodeksima za instalaciju

Proizvod koji nosi oznaku CE također može dosegnuti certifikacijski znak kao što je UL-ova listing oznaka. Međutim, CE oznaka i UL oznaka nemaju veze. UL oznaka označava usklađenost s primjenjivim sigurnosnim zahtjevima u Sjevernoj Americi i dokaz je UL certifikata, što je prihvaćeno od strane Modela Sjevernoameričkih kodeksa za instalaciju kao što su Nacionalni električni kodeks i Kanadski električni kodeks.

CE oznaka na proizvodima nije certifikacijski znak. AHJ bi trebali nastaviti tražiti UL oznaku na proizvodima kako bi utvrdili je li proizvod u skladu s primjenjivim sigurnosnim zahtjevima za Sjevernu Ameriku.

[Informacije ljubaznošću Underwriters Laboratories]

ENEC Organization

Sigurnosne oznake - Europa

Organizacija: ENEC

The ENEC Safety Marks is simply the mark used to denote compliance with the European Norm (EN) standards for all electrical product sectors, kako su ispitali odobreni neovisni ispitni laboratoriji diljem svijeta.

Europski kabeli za napajanje

Europa CEE7/16 2 zubac - 2.5 Pojačalo

Standard Europe CEE7/16 2 zubac 2.5 amp je standard 2 električni utikač za neuzemljene primjene u većini područja kontinentalne Europe. Energetski kabeli proizvedeni u skladu s europskim CEE7/16 standardima, Odobrenja i certifikati ENEC agencija dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi utikača: Tip C

Europe CEE7/16 2 Prong 2.5 Amp

Europa CEE7/7 Schuko 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

Standard Europe CEE7/7 3 zubac 16 amp plug has both the side grounding clips of the Germany CEE7/4 receptacle and a female contact to accept the grounding pin of the France CEE7/5 receptacle. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/7 standards. ENEC agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Type E/F

Europe CEE7/7 Schuko 3 Prong 16 Amp
NEMKO Organization

Nemko Mark - Norveška

Organizacija: NEMKO

Nemko is an organization similar to TUV or UL that offers product safety testing and certification to worldwide standards. Its direct services cover IT/AV, household, and telecoms products but extend to other sectors such as medical equipment and the oil and gas industry. The mark itself signifies that Nemko has tested or certified the product according to national standards in Norway.

Type F Plug Power Cords

Norway Schuko CEE7/4 2 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Norway Schuko CEE7/4 standard 2 zubac 16 amp has side grounding clips. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/4 standards. NEMKO agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip F

Norway Schuko CEE7/4 2 Prong 16 Amp
EAC Organization

EAC Safety Mark – Russia

Organizacija: EAC

The Eurasian Conformity (EAC) mark has replaced the previous GOST-R and PCT national certification standards and marks. This mark is used to indicate products that meet all of the technical requirements of the Eurasian Customs Union.

Type C Plug Power Cords

Russia GOST 7396 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Russia GOST 7396 standard 3 zubac 16 amp contacts 4.0mm as opposed to the 4.8mm contacts of other European plugs and receptacles. As such, a Russia GOST 7396 receptacle may not accept the larger contacts found on Europe CEE7/4, CEE7/7, and CEE7/16 plugs. Power cables manufactured in compliance with Russian GOST 7396 standardima. EAC agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip C

Russia GOST 7396 3 Prong 16 Amp
VDE Organization

GS, DIN, and VDE Safety Marks – Germany/EU

Organizacija: TUV, VDE

Germany’s TUV standards agency operates the GS Mark (Geprüfte Sicherheit = tested safety) to show conformity with German’s Equipment and Product Safety Act (GPSG = Geräte- und Produktisicherheitgesetz). The GS Mark assures commercial buyers and consumers the product has been tested by an authorized institution such as TUV Rheinland. The DIN Mark is another marking scheme operated by TUV Rheinland certifying component compliance with DIN, EN, IEC, and ISO product safety standards.

The VDE Testing and Certification Institute is another German-based independent testing organization for electrical and electronic products. The VDE Mark indicates conformity with the VDE standards, European or internationally harmonized standards, and confirms compliance with protective requirements of the applicable EC Directive(s).

Type F Plug Power Cords

Njemačka Schuko CEE7/4 2 zubac- 16 Pojačalo

Njemačka i Španjolska koriste Schuko CEE7/4 standard 2 zubac 16 koji se obično nalazi u novim kućnim instalacijama, which has side grounding clips. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/4 standards. Odobrenja i certifikati agencije VDE dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi utikača: Tip F

Germany Schuko CEE7/4 2 Prong 16 Amp
ASTA Organization

BSI Kitemark - U.K.

Organizacija: OSTATI

The British Standards Institution (BSI) was the world’s first national standards body and continues to be a leading global standards maker. BSI is also the U.K.’s National Standards Body, representing U.K. interests worldwide. The BSI Kitemark is a voluntary certification mark, globally recognized as a symbol of trust, that shows a product or service meets applicable and appropriate British, European, International, and other standards for quality, safety, izvođenje, and trust.

Type G Plug/U.K. Kablovi za napajanje

UK BS1363 3 Pin - 13 Pojačalo

The UK BS1363 standard 3 pribadač 13 amp typically has a 13 amp fused plug and is used throughout the United Kingdom. The BS1363 replaced the old British BS 546 standard, which is no longer used in the U.K. but is still widely used in India and South Africa. Power cables manufactured in compliance with UK BS 1363 standardima. ASTA agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip G

British BS1363 3 Pin 13 Amp

Safety Marking Schemes

Understanding the complexities and subtle differences between various standards and marking schemes can be daunting. This application note aims to identify the major standards that relate to power supply cord safety, the agencies that administer them and/or provide certification, and the marking schemes that can be used to show compliance.

AsiaPac Map and Marks
JET Organization

DENAN PSE Safety Marks – Japan

Organizacija: JET

The PSE Mark is used to comply with Japan’s Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN) as applied to various classes of products and equipment.

Japan Power Cords

Japan JIS C 8303 Class I 3 zubac - 15 Pojačalo

The Japan JIS C 8303 class I standard 3 zubac 15 amp grounded appears to be physically identical to the NEMA 5-15 found in North America. In many cases, a North American plug will mate with Japan receptacles without an adapter. Međutim, the Japan standard holds tighter dimensional measurements than North America, which means that North American plugs will not quite fit into Japan receptacles in some cases. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Japanese JIS C 8303 standards and PSE agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip B

Japan JIS C 8303 Class Class I 3 Prong 15 Amp

Japan JIS C 8303 Class II 2 zubac - 15 Pojačalo

The Japan JIS C 8303 class II standard 2 zubac 15 amp non-grounded appears to be physically identical to the NEMA 1-15 found in North America. In many cases, a North American plug will mate with Japan receptacles without an adapter. Međutim, the Japan standard holds to tighter dimensional standards than North America, which means that North American plugs will not quite fit into Japan receptacles in some cases. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Japanese JIS C 8303 standardima. PSE agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip A

Japan JIS C 8303 Class II 2 Prong 15 Amp
KTL Organization

KC Mark – Korea

Organizacija: KTL

Korea’s KC Mark is administered by its Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) to show compliance for mandated products with the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Control Law. It replaced the original EK mark.

Korea Power Cords

Korea KS C 8305 2 zubac - 2.5 koji se obično nalazi u novim kućnim instalacijama

The Korea KS C 8305 standard 2 zubac 2.5 amp non-grounded is physically the same as the Europe CEE7/16. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Korean KS C 8305 standards and KTL agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip C

Korea KS C 8305 2 Prong 2.5 Amp

Korea KS C 8305 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Korea KS C 8305 standard 3 zubac 16 amp is physically the same as the Europe CEE7/7. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Korean KS C 8305 standards and KTL agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip F

Korea KS C 8305 3 Prong 16 Amp
BSMI Organization

BSMI Mark – Taiwan

Organizacija: BSMI

The BSMI (Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection) Certification is the approval scheme for Taiwan’s ITE and audio/ video products.

Type A/B Plug Power Cords

Taiwan CNS10917 2 zubac - 15 Pojačalo

The Taiwan CNS10917 standard 2 zubac 15 amp non-grounded appears to be physically identical to the NEMA 1-15 found in North America. In many cases, a North American plug will mate with Taiwanese receptacles without an adapter. Međutim, the Taiwanese standard holds to tighter dimensional standards than North America. This means that North American plugs will not quite fit into Taiwanese receptacles in some cases. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Taiwanese CNS 10917 standardima. BSMI agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip A

Taiwan CNS10917 2 Prong 15 Amp

Taiwan CNS10917 3 zubac - 15 Pojačalo

The Taiwan CNS10917 standard 3 zubac 15 amp grounded appears to be physically identical to the NEMA 5-15 found in North America. In many cases, a North American plug will mate with Taiwanese receptacles without an adapter. Međutim, the Taiwanese standard holds tighter dimensional measurements than North America. This means that North American plugs will not quite fit into Taiwanese receptacles in some cases. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Taiwanese CNS 10917 standardima. BSMI agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip B

Taiwan CNS10917 3 Prong 15 Amp
CCC Organization

CCC Safety Marks – China

Organizacija: CCC

The CCC (China Compulsory Certificate) Mark indicates compliance with Chinese laws and regulations and, as its name implies, is compulsory for any product used for commercial purposes in China.

China Power Cords

China GB1002 and GB2099 2 Pin - 15 Pojačalo

The China GB1002 and GB2099 standard 2 pribadač 15 amp non-grounded appear to be physically identical to the NEMA 1-15 found in North America. In many cases, a North American plug will mate with China receptacles without an adapter. Međutim, the China standard holds tighter dimensional measurements than North America, meaning North American plugs will not quite fit into China receptacles in some cases. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Chinese GB 2099 standardima. CCC agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip A

China GB1002 and GB2099 2 Pin 15 Amp

China GB2099 3 Pin - 10 Pojačalo

The China GB2099 standard 3 pribadač 10 amp is physically the same as the Argentina IRAM 2073. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Chinese GB 2099 standards and CCC agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip I

China GB2099 3 Pin 10 Amp

China GB2099 3 Pin - 16 Pojačalo

The China GB2099 standard 3 pribadač 16 amp version has a broader grounding blade and may not be inserted in a 10 Amp receptacle. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Chinese GB 2099 standards and CCC agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip I

China GB2099 3 Pin 16 Amp
PSB SPRING Organization

PSB ‘SAFETY’ Mark – Singapore

Organizacija: PSB PROLJEĆE

Singapore’s safety authority, the Productivity and Standards Board (PSB), requires all controlled goods to be individually marked with the SAFETY Mark.

Type G Plug Power Cords

Singapore SS 145 3 Pin- 13 Pojačalo

The Singapore SS 145 standard 3 pribadač 13 amp typically has a 13 amp fused plug and is used throughout the United Kingdom. The BS 1363A replaced the old Singapore BS 546 standard, which is no longer used in the U.K. but is still widely used in India and South Africa. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Singapore SS145/a standards. PSB agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi utikača: Tip G

Singapore SS 145 3 Pin 13 Amp
SAA Organization

RCM Tick Safety Marks– Australia

Organizacija: SAA oznaka

Australia has a national standards body, Standards Australia, covering many different industry sectors including Electrotechnology and Energy, which embraces electrical/electronic equipment and appliances with relevant standards for safety. Australia’s Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) now consolidates the previously separate C-Tick, A-Tick, and RCM mark, effective from March 2013.

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Australia AS/NZS 3112 2 Pin - 2.5 Pojačalo

The Australia and New Zealand AS/NZS 3112 standard 2 pribadač 2.5 amp non-ground are physically the same as the Argentina IRAM 2073 but the line blades are insulated. Power cords are manufactured in compliance with Australian AS 3112 standardima. SAA agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip I

Australia AS/NZS 3112 2 Pin 2.5 Amp

Australia AS/NZS 3112 3 Pin - 10 Pojačalo

The Australia and New Zealand AS/NZS 3112 standard 3 pribadač 10 amp are physically the same as the Argentina IRAM 2073 and the China GB2099 but the line blades are insulated. Power cords are manufactured in compliance with Australian AS 3112 standardima. SAA agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip I

Australia AS/NZS 3112 3 Pin 10 Amp

Australia AS/NZS 3112 3 Pin - 15 Pojačalo

The Australia and New Zealand AS/NZS 3112 standard 3 pribadač 15 amp version has a wider grounding blade and may not be inserted in a 10 Amp receptacle. Power cords are manufactured in compliance with Australian AS 3112 standardima. SAA agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Except the above section highlights some of the more notable safety marking schemes, the following are other remaining International power cords approvals & regulations.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip I

Australia AS/NZS 3112 3 Pin 15 Amp
OVE Organization

Austria Power Cords

Organizacija: OVE

Austria Schuko CEE7/4 2 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Austria Schuko CEE7/4 standard 2 zubac 16 amp which has side grounding clips. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/4 standards. OVE agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page. IEC tip F

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip F

Schuko CEE7/4 16 Amp
CEBEC Organization

Type E Plug Power Cords

Organizacija: CEBEC

Belgium Schuko CEE7/6 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Belgium Schuko CEE7/5 standard 3 Prong wall receptacle has a round male pin for grounding. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/6 standards and CEBEC agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Vrsta E

Belgium Schuko CEE7/6 3 Prong 16 Amp
DEMKO Organization

Type K Plug Power Cords

Organizacija: DEMKO

Denmark AFSNIT 107-2-D1 3 zubac - 13 Pojačalo

Danska norma SECTION 107-2-D1 3 zubac 13 pojačalo se također naziva SRAF 1962/DB 16/87. Kabeli za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s danskim standardima AFSNIT 107-2-D1. Odobrenja i certifikati agencije DEMKO dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip K

Denmark AFSNIT 107-2-D1 3 Prong 13 Amp
FIMKO Organization

Type F Plug Power Cables

Organizacija: FIMKO

Finland Schuko CEE7/4 2 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Finland Schuko CEE7/4 standard 2 zubac 16 amp has side grounding clips. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/4 standards. FIMKO agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip F

Finland Schuko CEE7/4 2 Prong 16 Amp
LCIE Organization

Type E Plug Power Cables

Organizacija: LCIE

France Schuko CEE7/6 3 zubac -16 Pojačalo

France and Belgium use the Schuko CEE7/5 standard 3 Prong wall receptacle, which has a round male pin for grounding. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/6 standards. Odobrenja i certifikati agencije LCIE dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip F

France Schuko CEE7/5 3 Prong 16 Amp
IMQ Organization

Italy Power Cords

Organizacija: IMQ

Italy CEI 23-50 3 zubac - 10 Pojačalo

The Italy CEI 23-50 standard 3 zubac 10 amp uses the center pin for grounding. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Italian CEI 23-50 standardima. IMQ agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip L

Italy CEI 23-50 3 Prong 10 Amp

Italy CEI 23-50 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Italy CEI 23-50 standard 3 zubac 16 amp version has wider line blades and may not be inserted in a 10 Amp receptacle. CEI agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip L

Italy CEI 23-50 3 Prong 16 Amp
SEMKO Organization

Type F Power Cables

Organizacija: SEMKO

Sweden Schuko CEE7/4 2 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Sweden Schuko CEE7/4 standard 2 zubac 16 amp has side grounding clips. Power cables manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/4 standards. SEMKO agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip F

Sweden Schuko CEE7/4 2 Prong 16 Amp
ESTI (formerly SEV) Organization

Swiss Power Cords

Organizacija: VAS (SEV)

Switzerland SEV 1011 3 zubac - 10 Pojačalo

Švicarska SEV 1011 standard 3 zubac 10 amp će također prihvatiti Europlug CEE7/16. Međutim, veza će biti neuzemljena. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu sa švicarskim SEV 1011 standardima. Odobrenja i certifikati agencija ESTI dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip J

Switzerland SEV 1011 3 Prong 10 Amp

Switzerland SEV 1011 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

Switzerland SEV 1011 standard 3 zubac 16 amp version has a broader line blade and may not be inserted in a 10 Amp receptacle. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu sa švicarskim SEV 1011 standardima. Odobrenja i certifikati agencija ESTI dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip J

Switzerland SEV 1011 3 Prong 16 Amp
KEMA Organization

Europski kabeli za napajanje

Organizacija: KEMA

Netherlands Schuko CEE7/4 2 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

The Netherlands Schuko CEE7/4 standard 2 zubac 16 amp has side grounding clips. Power cords manufactured in compliance with European CEE7/4 standards. KEMA agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip F

Netherlands Schuko CEE7/4 2 Prong 16 Amp
SII Organization

Israel Power Cords

Organizacija: SII

Israel SI-32 2 zubac - 2.5 Pojačalo

Izraelski standard SI-32 2 zubac 2.5 amp is physically the same as the Europlug. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s izraelskim standardima SI32 i odobrenjima i certifikatima SII agencija dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip C

Israel SI-32 2 Prong 2.5 Amp

Israel SI-32 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo

Izraelski standard SI-32 3 zubac 16 amp koristi središnji zubac kao uzemljenje. Kablovi za napajanje proizvedeni u skladu s izraelskim standardima SI32 i odobrenjima i certifikatima SII agencija dostupni su na stranici sa specifikacijama proizvoda.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Utikači tipa M ponekad se koriste za veće uređaje u zemljama koje koriste utikače tipa D i u Izraelu

Israel SI-32 3 Prong 16 Amp
SABS Organization

India Power Cords

Organizacija: BIS

India IA6A3 3 zubac - 6 Pojačalo (Small)

The India IS694 and IA6A3 standard 3 zubac 6 koji se obično nalazi u novim kućnim instalacijama (IS1293 and BS546) replaced Old British standard BS 546 6koji se obično nalazi u novim kućnim instalacijama. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Indian IA16A3 standards, aka Old English BS546. BIS agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip D

South Africa SANS 164-3 (aka BS546) 3 Prong 6 Amp

India IA16A3 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo (Large)

The India IS694 and IA16A3 standard (aka IS1293 and BS546) 3 zubac 16 amp is the same as the South Africa SANS 164-1. Power cords manufactured in compliance with Indian IA16A3 standards, aka Old English BS546. BIS agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip M

South Africa SANS 164-1 (aka BS546) 3 Prong 16 Amp
SABS Organization

South Africa Power Cords

Organizacija: SABS

South Africa SANS 164-3 (aka BS546) 3 zubac - 6 Pojačalo (Small)

The South Africa SANS 164-3 (BS546) standard 3 zubac 6 amp replaced Old British standard BS 546 6koji se obično nalazi u novim kućnim instalacijama. Power cords manufactured in compliance with South African SABS 164-3 standardima, Old English BS546. SABS agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip D

South Africa SANS 164-3 (aka BS546) 3 Prong 6 Amp

South Africa SANS 164-1 (aka BS546) 3 zubac - 16 Pojačalo (Large)

The South Africa SANS 164-1 (aka BS546) standard 3 zubac 16 amp is the same as India IS 1293 IA16A3. Power cords manufactured in compliance with South African SABS 164-1 standard Old English BS546. SABS agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip M

india 16 amp dims
SASO Organization

Type G Plug Power Cables

Organizacija: SASO

Saudi Arabia SASO 2203 3 Pin - 13 Pojačalo

The Saudi Arabia SASO 2203 standard 3 pribadač 13 amp typically has a 13 amp fused plug throughout the United Kingdom. The BS 1363A replaced the old Saudi Arabia BS 546 standard, which is no longer used in the U.K. but is still widely used in India and South Africa. Power Cables manufactured in compliance with Saudi SASO 2203 standardima. ASTA agency approvals and certifications are available on the product specification page.

Standardi za električne utičnice: Tip G

Saudi Arabia SASO 2203 3 Pin 13 Amp


Despite efforts within Europe, North America, and elsewhere to bring about harmonization of safety standards for electrical equipment, including power cords, there are still many different regulations, testing, and certification procedures that may need to be taken into account to meet legislative requirements in the various territories where such equipment will be sold. Understanding all of these is a challenge. This application notes that the article presents a reasonably comprehensive overview of the various standards, agencies, and safety marks as a definitive guide for power cords.

DCpowercord is China’s leading proizvođači kablova za napajanje. It follows best practices to ensure its power cords meet the highest levels of safety and performance, offering products approved to standards such as UL, OVAJ, and SAA while also providing quality solutions utilize the latest in efficient green power technology.

For more information on regulatory and compliance topics, you can search on our website resource content.


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