2022 Studies how many types of electrical outlets are there?

So that’s how I understand how many types of electrical outlets are there?

Issa rrid naqleb lilek: Permezz tal-artiklu tiegħi, tifhem kif tagħżel u x'inhuma l-istandards?

Għandek perspettiva differenti mal-iżbokk tal-elettriku? Jew xi mistoqsijiet oħra?how many types of electrical outlets are there?

Għarrafni billi tħalli kumment ta' malajr hawn taħt bħalissa.

An essential item when you go abroadadapters! The shape, voltage, and current frequency of sockets used in each country or region are different. Without the proper adapter and recent conversion, these appliances cannot be charged and may face the fate of stopping. Here is a breakdown of sockets and voltages by country; forward it to your friends who need it!(how many types of electrical outlets are there?)

how many types of electrical outlets are there
how many types of electrical outlets are there

how many types of electrical outlets are there?

Socket specifications of countries around the world

Carefully summarized socket specifications, roughly divided into six major types: parallel double-flat plug, double-hole coarse round plug, double-hole fine round plug, a longitudinal double horizontal triangular plug, double-flat was eight-type plug, three-hole coarse round plug.(how many types of electrical outlets are there?)

National standard plugs

Features: three flat head
Use of countries (regions): Iċ-Ċina, Awstralja, New Zealand, Argentina

American Standard Plugs

Features: a round two flat
Countries (regions): United States, Kanada, Ġappun, Brażil, Philippines, Tajlandja, Taiwan, Iċ-Ċina

British Standard Plugs

Features: three square head
Countries (regions): Hong Kong, Iċ-Ċina, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Singapor, Malasja, Vjetnam, Indoneżja, Maldivi, Qatar

Standard Ewropew (Standard Ġermaniż) plugs.

Features: two round head
Countries (regions): il-Ġermanja, Franza, l-Olanda, id-Danimarka, Finlandja, Norveġja, Polonja, Portugall, L-Awstrija, il-Belġju, Ungerija, Spanja, l-Isvezja, and other EU countries and South Korea, ir-Russja

how many types of electrical outlets are there?

South Africa’s standard plugs

Features: three round head
Use of countries (regions): mainly in South Africa, Indja, ir-Russja

The voltage profile of the world

At present, there are two types of voltage used for indoor electricity in the world, respectively, 100V ~ 130V and 220 ~ 240V. 100V, 110 ~ 130V are classified as low-voltage, such as the United States, Ġappun, and the ship’s voltage, focusing on safety; 220 ~ 240V is called high-voltage, which includes 220 volts in China and 230 volts in the United Kingdom and many European countries, focusing on efficiency. In countries, the focus is on efficiency. In countries that use 220 to 230V, there are also cases of using 110 to 130V, such as Sweden and Russia.

100V: Ġappun, Korea
110 ~ 130V: Iċ-Ċina, Taiwan, the United States, Kanada, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Lebanon, and other 30 countries
220 ~ 230V: Iċ-Ċina, Hong Kong, Iċ-Ċina (200V), the United Kingdom, il-Ġermanja, Franza, l-Italja, Awstralja, Indja, Singapor, Tajlandja, l-Olanda, Spanja, il-Greċja, L-Awstrija, il-Filippini, Norveġja, and about 120 countries

how many types of electrical outlets are there?

The world countries plug style description.

Asia Pacific Region

Country Name (Chinese / English) Voltage Frequency Plug Style Description
Ġappun / Japan 100V 50, 60 A B two-pin flat / two-pin flat + round type grounding pin
Iċ-Ċina / China 220V 50 D J two feet flat / eight type
Korea / Korea 220V 50, 60 E G two feet round type
Hong Kong / Hong-Kong 220V 50Hz I three-legged flat
Makaw / Macau 220V 50Hz three feet flat type
Awstralja / Australia 240V 50Hz C D Eight
New Zealand / New-Zealand 220V 50Hz octagonal

Vjetnam / Vietnam 120/220V 50Hz A B E G Double-legged round and flat
Tajlandja / Thailand 220V 50Hz A B Two-legged flat / Two-legged flat + round grounded feet
Malasja / Malaysia 230V 50Hz I three-legged flat
Singapor / Singapore 220V 50Hz three feet flat
Philippines / Philippines 220V 50Hz A B two feet flat / two feet flat + round grounding feet
Indoneżja / Indonesia 220V 50 E G two feet round type
Indja / India 230V 50 I L Three feet flat / Three feet round

Middle East

Country Name (Chinese / English) Voltage Frequency Plug shape Description
ir-Russja / Russia 220V 50Hz E F G European standard double round
Belarus / Ukraine 220V 50Hz European standard round type with two feet
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabia 127 and 220V 60/ 50 A B I Two-pin flat / Two-pin flat + grounding pin / British standard three-pin flat
Ġordan / Jordan 220V 50Hz I British standard three feet flat type
Iraq / Iraq 220V 50Hz E I European standard two feet round type / British standard three feet flat type

Syria / Syria 220V 50Hz E F N European standard double foot round / Italian standard three feet round
Lebanon / Lebanon 220V 50Hz E European standard double foot round type
Kuwait / Kuwait 220-240V 50Hz E I European standard round / British standard three feet flat
Israel / Israel 220-240V 50Hz E F P European standard double foot round / Israel standard
Bahrain / Bahrain 220V 50Hz I K British Standard 3 feet flat / British Standard 3 feet round
Dubai / Dubai 220V 50Hz G European Standard Round
Turkija / Turkey 220V 50Hz E F European Standard Round

how many types of electrical outlets are there?

North America

Country Name (Chinese / English) Voltage Frequency Plug Shape Description
The United States / United States 120V 60 A B two feet flat / two feet flat + round grounding feet
Kanada / Canada 110V 60 two feet flat / two feet flat + round grounding feet

Central and South America

Country Name (Chinese / English) Voltage Frequency Plug Type Description
Mexico / Mexico 127V 60 A B two-pin flat / two-pin flat + round ground
Guatemala / Nicaragua 110V 60 two feet flat / two feet flat + round ground
El Salvador / El Salvador 110V 60 Two-foot flat / Two-foot flat + round ground
Honduras / Honduras 110V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round grounding foot

Nicaragua / Nicaragua 110V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground
Costa Rica / Costa Rica 110-120V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground
Panama / Panama 120V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground
Haiti / Haiti 110-120V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground
Dominican Republic / Dominican Rep. 110V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground
Colombia / Columbia 115V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground
Venezuela / Venezuela 110V 60 two-foot flat / two-foot flat + round ground

Ecuador / Ecuador 110V 60 two feet flat / two feet flat + round ground
Brażil / Brazil 220V/127V 50Hz E G two feet round type
Peru / Peru 110V / 220V 60 / 50 A B E U.S. two-foot flat (+ grounding pin) / European two-foot round
Bolivia / Bolivia 110V / 220V 60 / 50 A B flat (+ ground) / Euro round
Paraguay / Paraguay 220V 50Hz E European standard two-legged round type
Urugwaj / Uruguay 220V 50Hz E three-hole type
Argentina / Argentina 220V 50Hz C D eight-hole type
Chile / Chile 220V 50Hz E N European Standard Round / Italian Standard Round

how many types of electrical outlets are there?

Europe Region

Country name (Chinese / English) Voltage Frequency Plug shape Description
l-Italja / Italy 220-230V 50Hz E N Italy specification three feet round / European standard two feet round
L-Awstrija / Austria 220V 50Hz E F G European standard double-legged round
The Czech Republic / Czech Rep. 220V 50Hz European Standard Double Round
Polonja / Poland 220V 50Hz European standard double foot round
Ungerija / Hungary 220V 50Hz F G European standard round biped
il-Greċja / Greece 220V 50Hz E F G European Standard Round Double Leg

il-Belġju / Belgium 220V 50Hz European standard round biped
l-Olanda / Netherlands 220V 50Hz European size round biped
Lussemburgu / Luxembourg 220V 50Hz European standard round double foot
The United Kingdom / United Kingdom 220-240V 50Hz I British standard three-legged flat
Ireland / Ireland 220V 50Hz British standard three feet flat
Franza / France 220V 50Hz E F G European standard round biped

Switzerland / Switzerland 220-224V 50Hz E M Swiss Standard Round Three Legs / European Standard Round Two Legs
Spanja / Spain 220V 50Hz E F G European Standard Double Foot Round
Portugall / Portugal 220V 50Hz European standard double foot round type
il-Ġermanja / Germany 220V 50Hz European standard double foot round
Norveġja / Norway 220V 50Hz European Standard Round Double Leg

Finlandja / Finland 220V 50Hz European Standard Round Double Leg
id-Danimarka / Denmark 220V 50Hz E F G O Danish specification three feet round / European specification two feet round
l-Isvezja / Sweden 220V 50Hz E F G European standard double foot round
Il-Latvja / Latvia 220-240V 50Hz E F Octagonal / European Standard Double Foot Round
Slovakia / Slovak Rep. 220V 50Hz E F G European Standard Round Double Leg

how many types of electrical outlets are there?

Africa Region

Country name (Chinese / English) Voltage Frequency Plug shape Description
South Africa / Rep. South Africa 220V 50Hz K L 3-pin round
Mauritius / Mauritius 240V 50Hz E I European Standard Double Round / British Standard Triple Flat
Malawi / Malawi 240V 50Hz I British Standard 3-pin flat
Burkina Faso 220V 50Hz E F European Standard Round
Swaziland / Swaziland 220V 50Hz I British Standard Three-Legged Flat
Senegal / Senegal 220V 50Hz E F G European Standard Round Double Leg

Gambia / Gambia 220V 50Hz I British Standard three-legged flat
Iċ-Ċad / Chad 220-250V 50Hz F G L European standard double round / British standard triple flat
Gabon / Gabon 220V 50Hz G European Standard Double Foot Round
Ghana / Ghana 220V 50Hz E I K European Standard Round / British Standard Flat Three Legs
Equatorial Guinea 220V 50Hz E F European Standard Round
Nigeria / Nigeria 230V 50Hz I British three-legged flat
Cameroon / Cameroon 220V 50Hz F G L European Standard Round

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