X'inhu Tip O Plug u Socket (Żbokk)?

There are two versions of the Type N plug. One plug is rated at 10 A and has two round pins (diameter 4mm) and an earth pin. The other power plug is The type O plug and socket, rated at 16 amps, is Thailand’s official standard. The Type O power plug system was designed in 2006, but its use is not widespread yet.

What is Type O Plug and Socket (Outlet)

What is a Type O plug?

The type O plug, rated at 16 amps, is one of the official standards in Thailand. The standard is described in TIS 166-2549 (incidentally, the last four digits refer to the Buddhist year 2549, which corresponds to the year 2006 in the Gregorian calendar).

Thailand Type O plug dimensions

Type O plug consists of two power pins and an earth pin, which are round and have a 4.8 mm diameter. The power pins measure 19 mm in length, they have 10 mm long insulated sleeves, and their centers are spaced 19 mm bogħod minn xulxin. The earth pin has a length of 21.4 mm. Id-distanza minn ċentru għal ċentru bejn il-pin ta 'l-ert u n-nofs tal-linja immaġinarja li tgħaqqad iż-żewġ pins ta' l-enerġija hija 11.9 mm, which is the same distance as in type B plugs.

Thailand Type O plug dimensions

Information on the Type O plug & socket

The type O socket hybrid version of this socket was designed to accommodate plug types A, B, C and O. In the long run, compatibility with American plugs is planned to be phased out, since the electrical network in Thailand operates at 230 V. For now, type O outlets only exist on paper. All sockets that are currently sold are hybrid ones, which are compatible with types plug types A, B, C, and O.

type O outlets

Although they look similar, type O plugs are not interchangeable with the Israeli type H or the Danish type K power plugs. Madankollu, there is very unsafe compatibility between type O sockets and type E/F plugs, which is why in 2008, the Thai government banned the sale of appliances fitted with E/F plugs.

When used in Thailand, an E/F plug will not be grounded, and when such a plug is partially pulled out, you will be able to touch the prongs while they are still alive! Since many Thai people still have household appliances fitted with E/F plugs, a special plug adapter was introduced. It ensures that E/F plugs are earthed when plugged into a Thai hybrid outlet.

What countries use type O power plug?

Type O power plug is used exclusively in Thailand.

Użat fil-pajjiżi:

Tajlandja220V 50HzSokit tal-enerġija: Tip A, Tip B, Tip Ċ, Tip F, Type O

Issa Imiss Tiegħek

So that’s how I understand the type O plug and socket.

Issa rrid naqleb lilek: Permezz tal-artiklu tiegħi, do you understand Type O electrical plugs and Sockets (Ħwienet)?

Do you have a different point of view with the Type O power plug? Jew xi mistoqsijiet oħra?

Għarrafni billi tħalli kumment ta' malajr hawn taħt bħalissa.

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